Advance Your Nursing Career With These Top Ten Degree Programs, the online guide to prerequisites for nursing certification and degrees, has listed “10 of the Best Online RN to BSN Programs.” RN to BSN programs help registered nurses who are graduates of hospital nursing programs or who hold associates degrees in nursing to increase their knowledge as well as their earning potential. Managerial and administrative positions typically require at least a BSN, and nurses with a BSN command higher salaries. Online programs allow nurses already working in the field to continue their careers while earning a degree. has listed the schools alphabetically. Both public and private schools are included, and traditional brick-and-mortar schools offering distance learning, as well as online colleges, are listed. Information on costs and program credit requirements and is provided.

The best online RN to BSN programs list includes top-rated schools that allow students the flexibility to study online and that recognize the knowledge RNs have as nursing professionals. Each program offers the opportunity to build on that prior learning to increase nurses’ skills and career prospects.

1. Anna Maria College – Cost: $425 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

2. Capella University – Cost: $290 per credit hour (lower level courses); $305 per credit hour (upper level courses).
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

3. Drexel University – Cost: $569 per credit hour; members of partner companies or associations pay $474 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

4. Grand Canyon University – Cost: $465 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

5. Kent State University – Cost: $440 per credit hour for Ohio residents; $450 per credit for non-residents.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

6. Rasmussen College – Cost: varies by state.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

7. Seton Hall University – Cost: $996 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

8. University of Kansas – Cost: $245.90 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

9. University of Phoenix – Cost: $510 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

10. Utica College – Cost: $375 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

Source:Top 10 Best Online RN to BSN Programs